首页 > 分享 > 英语辩论赛四辨演讲稿主题是养宠物弊大于利急用谢谢必须是英文的


Thank you, judges and the host, hello everyone.
My team holds the idea that Pets are bad for mankind.
Fellow opponents, first, let me look into your hearts. You might be thinking, that pets can satisfy people’ s motherhood. If you are thinking of this, you are in great danger. Pets can only make people insane, people can be satisfy too much, that they forget many other things. You might be thinking, that pets are fluffy, but the fact that you are missing is that there are many worms inside pets’ body. You might be thinking of something, but the things you are thinking are totally wrong.
First, about the convenience of traveling. When we go to a trip, if we have a pet, first to care is how to bring the pet. Just now, we can bring them, but for one pet, we should pay 800 yuan! That is too expensive! Maybe you are already complaining about your wallet becoming empty. Of course, you can consign for shipment. But, you have to think of these things: First, it is expensive too. You have to pay 17.85 yuan for every kilogram. Then, you have to consider about if you bring your pet on the plane, the other people on plane will be insane! So, this will be the first I talk: The problems when you are traveling.
Second, is that at public places, pets will cost problems. First, it was so dirty! You bring him or her, and it definitely will be having a bowel movement inside where you stay. You will be in big trouble. Second, it was dangerous. You see, fellow opponent, there are so many other things in its body, and they just hides, until you can not find it. Like one kind of worm, it looked like an small-tiny-little arrow. It hides in pets’ body. If this worm crawls into gravidas’ body, a gravida can be died. Why? because of this tiny kind of worm called toxoplasmosis.
Another reason is that pets could be very loud, including these pets(these are the pets I know, I think they can all be loud):Dogs, cats, birds, rabbits, rats, frogs, snakes, pigs, cows, bulls, monkeys, sheep, horses, deer, and even elephants. They are all loud, you know. Then, imagine you have a pet dog, as you are silly, still staying at your opinion. Your dog had been always very loud, very loud. Of course, you have your neighbor. Your neighbor was saying: “Your dog is, uh, too loud! Stop that! No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no!”
Fourth, about the inconvenience of going out to eat or drink. In nowadays, some shops disagree pets going inside. So that is the problem. When you are going outside to eat, you have to be thinking: Do this shop agrees pets going inside? If not, let us not go there. Then, you are missing so much of the shops that are good, just because of your pet!
And another reason is that your house will be disordered. When you are not at home, your pet will be very happy, cause you are not at home, it can finally be free. It run across the house, making the house as mess as they could, making the house the messiest place in the world. When you are back at home, you will be crazy, cause there are so many things for you to clean up. And it is dirty too, right?
By the way. I believe all of you know about H7N9, which was cost by chicks, ducks and other flying objects. So, you should not buy pets, cause pets may take the disease of H7N9 to you. Then, will you, the fellow opponents today, laugh? Will you still keep pets, like you said today, now, in your center?
These are my ideas. Thank you again!



网址: 英语辩论赛四辨演讲稿主题是养宠物弊大于利急用谢谢必须是英文的 https://m.mcbbbk.com/newsview346331.html

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