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2015年2月2~7号,杭州瑞欧化妆品事业部总经理孔德涛和毒理专家谢贻珽参加在布鲁塞尔自由大学(Vrije Universiteit Brussel)的化妆品安全评估培训,并顺利通过考核。

鲁塞尔自由大学的化妆品安全评估是化妆品安全评估的经典课程,在欧洲已经举办了将近20年,被业内人士广为认可。此次会议的组织者Vera ROGIERS教授,是布鲁塞尔自由大学医药学部的教授,毒理学部门负责人,曾作为欧盟消费者安全科学委员会SCCS的联合主席,目前是SCCS的外聘专家。

众所周知,化妆品产品安全性的影响因素众多。因此,化妆品安全评估是一个需要多门学科支持的综合课程,涉及到毒理学、皮肤学、临床、化学、材料学、人体工程学、计算机科学等等,评估所涉及的任何一个方面都可以作为独立的项目进行深入研究。该课程为期一周,邀请到在化妆品安全评估某一方面的顶级专家进行授课。通过各个领域的专家进行系统而深刻的解读,让培训者在短短的一周内对化妆品的安全评估的认识和技能有了大大的提升。此外,此次课程还就欧盟的化妆品法规以及PIF(Product Information File)文件的制作进行相关培训。


课程介绍:Safety Assessment of Cosmetics in the EU training course

This course is realized in close collaboration with the cosmetic industry and teaching is done at high standard academic level. Particular emphasis is given to key issues in safety evaluation of cosmetics including the application of alternative methods and the interpretation of the results, how and when animal testing can be done or remains a necessity, what are the toxicological requirements by the Commission for cosmetic ingredients testing. Practical courses, in which the realization of a Product Information File (PIF) according to Annex I of Regulation EC 1223/2009 for a finished cosmetic product is central, are included. The possibility will be given to all participants to pass a written exam at the end of the last day of the course.

Key questions to be tackled by the course

What are the major practical and legislative changes between Directive 76/768/EEC and Regulation EC 1223/2009?

What are the current challenges in safety assessment of cosmetics in the EU?

Which role does risk perception play in our society and how does it affect the cosmetic industry?

What is the impact of REACH on the cosmetic industry?

What are “validated” and “valid” alternative methods? What is their actual use and how to perform these tests?

Which role does systemic toxicity testing play in the safety assessment of cosmetics?

How to make a Product Information File for a finished cosmetic product according to the actual EU Regulation?

How to make a Product Information File for a cosmetic ingredient to be taken up in one of the positive lists present in the actual Regulation?

What are the packaging requirements under Annex I?

Can the process of risk assessment be improved by new methodologies?


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