上周友情链接☆妮可周运 (2011.4.5.— 2011.6.11)==待译http://www.douban.com/group/topic/20259449/ ======================================== 每周星座:星期日,2011年6月12号 所有迹象 这是强而有力的一周伴随着非常强大的满月,或许是全年最强大的满月。有些类似藏传佛教的画像,这个月的时候,我们的行动的后果都将放大数千倍。 (千倍?呀!)如果这是真的,我们最感兴趣的是铭记我们现在做了什么,因为我们未来的幸福取决于我们如何建立现在的生活。(哇!)如果这是真的,那么积极的行动给我们带来快乐;而负面的行动给我们带来不快(蛀牙,紧身内衣和强硬的床垫;更不用说非常糟糕的音乐会座位)。这意味着如果你想在你的未来幸福,这是一个完美的月份,善良,慷慨的奉献给大家。也许这就是为什么这个词的起源“顾忌“的意思是“犹豫“。换句话说 -我们在采取行动之前必须考虑。 (然而,犹豫的人会错过下一个出口。)行动吧。 双子座 无声无息 这是有趣的一周!与合作伙伴和亲密的朋友状态紧张,很可能是因为这周满月直接对着你的星座。(呻吟。)请注意:这一切发生的时候是全年唯一的时间。好消息是,这种张力是短暂的在星期四,解除就在眼前了。“一个号角!骑兵到了!”因此,只需在本周开始对别人额外的耐心。(嘿!这不是大惊小怪。)作为奖赏,公平金星在你的星座会让你的语言优美,给你许多魅力。(顺利的 boochies !不知何意,或者是浪漫的神马东东)不仅如此,太阳在你的星座继续用好运照耀你。制定愉快的一周计划,尤其是长期的。(看起来你一定会成功!) 巨蟹座(6月21日至7月22日) McOberon 本周,幕后的计划将对自己的生活,你的家庭关系,甚至在你住的地方环境作出正面的改变。这些计划将改善您的家庭或使它在某些方面更具吸引力。 (房地产交易,这当然也是一个不错的一周。)运动和集体活动通常具有竞争力。你的感觉越来越独立。 (你注意到了吗?)这就是为什么有些蟹蟹正在思考改变你一般生活的方向。 一个年长或更成熟的恋情是可能的。这个星期耐心与同事共事。 (紧张的月圆。) 处女 彩虹蜥蜴 此刻群星在你星盘图的正午将明确提请你关注,每个人都注意到你,特别是老板,父母,老师和重要人士(和警方),记住此刻,本周,与老板或者某个年纪较大或更有权势的人将开始浪漫史,而且非常可能演变成一段甜蜜和长期的关系。然而,满月将触发你与权威人士的紧张关系,聪明点,不要当作大问题(这简单不值得如此),这种紧张感将维持48小时,也许更长一点。因为你知道这是暂时的-只需保持正常呼吸(不要在脸上表露你的忧郁) 天秤 狂月 本周你可能会发生一些小事故,所以请注意。满月所带来的紧张感会影响你的交流,甚至你现实中的行为——开车、走路、慢跑或者骑自行车。当心。与兄弟姐妹、亲戚和邻居之间的紧张感也可能会爆发。一笑而过吧,因为这只是非常短暂的一个小颠簸。(肯定会在周四或周五就结束了的。)同时,本周也是绝佳的日子来制订长途旅行计划,或者实施与出版、法律、传媒和医药相关方面的点子。你在这些领域中的未来目标是什么?他人会帮助你朝目标方向成功地前进。依靠这一点。利用这一点! 天蝎 彩虹蜥蜴 本周你关注财政、共同财产、税收和债务,那些使这个完美的时刻缠扰上这些琐事。然而,这些领域也会发生冲突(Grrr.)但是,瞧!好消息是,浪漫和亲密的时刻是那么甜蜜和难忘(天哪,哎呀)。事实上,你可能吸引的新爱人是那种年纪大、更富有和更有经验的(毕竟,因为你的统治者冥王的统治是富有魔力的,你具有迷住那些人和状况的力量),当你与伴侣和亲密朋友相处时感到紧张,记住你具有铁一般的容忍和耐心。(总是说实话除非你是一个异常出色的说谎者) 射手 转转 本周,全年唯一一次在你星座中的满月正在发生。毫无疑问,满月将会引起你和他人的紧张和冲突,尤其是合伙人和密友之间。出去骑自行车、远足或做运动。等着,直到一切都平息——大概会持续48小时。某位年长者可能会吸引到你或以某种方式给你帮助。这事也许很个人,或者从你的工作中来,甚至可能与你的小宠物有关。(汪!)恋爱或一段友情可能会改变你未来的目标。(不管你被如何冷嘲热讽,那都不会持久,你说呢?) 摩羯 转转 你很忙。本周你想搞定一切并实现更多。主要不利的方面是本次特别的新月(全年唯一一次)会带来职场压力,大到你能感觉到你的身体也因此出了问题!令人欣慰的是,事实上这一切是短暂的(一般大约48小时)。克制自己。记住,今年允诺给你假期、欢乐、恋爱、愉悦和派对。你有那么多可期待。你可能与某个不同年龄的人相爱。(“我们生来就相差六分钟!”) 瓶子 彩虹蜥蜴 现在你完全将注意力放在你的浪漫事情上,伴随着运动的开心的聚会的渡假的或者与孩子一起做好玩的活动,这是有趣的关注。工作与这些热情的行业相关,娱乐界或体育运动也极为重要。一段偶然的关系可能使一些事情变得永久。(很高兴有人晚上有这样的推进?)有可能与一些年纪大或更富有的人调情。本周父母应该对孩子更耐心,恋人们必须克制不要进行无谓的争吵,那些不会解决任何事情只会带来更多的伤害(啊对了,电子邮件比写书信更致命) 双鱼座(二月19号至3月20日) 许小璞 本周满月介绍在家里紧张,在家庭和父母。它可以让你感受到你的义务之间的撕裂在工作和家庭的义务。 (很难保持自我感觉良好的平衡。)不要让其中的任何一个大问题了。不要反应过激情绪。对这个满月紧张将建立在本周初,在本周中间高峰,在星期五结束。要有耐心。同时,可以使远程改善你住的地方。美丽的购买或房地产投资可以得到祝福。与他人讨论年长,更丰富或更聪明也能受益你这个星期。要有耐心和接受。否则怎么能找到你好运? ========================================= Weekly Horoscope: Sunday, June 12, 2011 All Signs This is a powerful week with an extremely powerful Full Moon, perhaps the most powerful Full Moon of the entire year. By illustration, in Tibetan Buddhism, this month is a time when the consequences of our actions are multiplied by thousands. (Thousands? Yikes!) If this is true, it's in our best interest to be mindful about what we do because our happiness in the future depends on the use we make of our present lives. (Wow.) If this is true, then positive actions bring us happiness; and negative actions bring us unhappiness (cavities, tight underwear and tough mattresses; to say nothing of really bad concert seats). This means if you want happiness in your future, this is the perfect month to be kind and generous to everyone. Perhaps this is why the origin of the word "scruples" means "to hesitate." In other words - we must think before we act. (And yet, he who hesitates is miles from the next exit.) Go figure. Aries (March 21-April 19) Very likely, many of you will be feeling increased tensions dealing with siblings, neighbours and relatives. (It was ever thus.) Fortunately, you'll find it surprisingly easy to be gracious and charming because you can now keep your warrior, knee-jerk reaction in check. Why? I think it's because you're focused on plans to boost your earnings in the future, possibly with a partner or working in conjunction with someone else. And naturally, this makes you happy and joyful. After all, you are destined to earn more money in the next 18 months, one way or another. More money equals more adventure! (Some of you are planning a big purchase.) Focus on family discussions and home repairs this week. Taurus (April 20-May 20) You're sitting pretty! For the first time since the new millennium, lucky, moneybags Jupiter is in your sign, bringing you good fortune and fresh opportunities. Jupiter will also attract important people to you. Furthermore, this blessing will last for the next 12 to 18 months. (How cool is that?) Right now, fiery Mars is in Taurus as well, which certainly boosts your energy. (You devil.) This is the perfect week to buy quality, beautiful clothes that will last for a long time. It will be money well spent. Not only will you look fabulous, when you average the cost over how long you will use the item - you'll see it is a bargooon! Be patient with financial issues or disputes about possessions this week. Be nice. (Because you are.) Gemini (May 21-June 20) This is an interesting week! Tensions with partners and close friends are likely because the Full Moon this week is directly opposite your sign. (Groan.) Take note: This is the only time all year this happens. The good news is, this tension is brief and by Thursday, relief is in sight. "A bugle! The cavalry has arrived!" Therefore, just be extra patient with others at the beginning of the week. (Hey - this is no biggie.) As a bonus, fair Venus in your sign will grace your speech and give you oodles of charm. (Smoochy boochies!) Not only that, the Sun in your sign continues to shine on you with good fortune. Good week to make plans, especially long-range ones. (Looks like you're going places!) Cancer (June 21-July 22) This week, behind-the-scenes plans will make positive differences in your own life, your family relationships and even in the physical surroundings where you live. These plans will improve your home or make it more attractive in some way. (This is certainly a good week for real estate deals as well.) Sports and group activities are unusually competitive. You're feeling increasingly independent. (Have you noticed?) This is why some of you are thinking of changing your life direction in general. (Major stuff.) Romance with someone older or more established is likely. Do be patient with co-workers this week. (Full Moon tension.) Leo (July 23-Aug. 22) How lovely! Finally, you feel encouraged about your long-term goals, in part because others are now supporting you - psychologically, emotionally, financially and physically. Obviously, now is the time to focus on how to achieve your hopes and dreams for the future! Think of it this way: You're positive enough to entertain big ideas, and yet realistic enough to stick with what is doable. The Full Moon this week will create tension with children and romantic partners; therefore, be patient because this will blow over very quickly. (Trust me.) Some of you are already laying plans for residential moves and job changes, which are inevitable in the next few years. This is a strong year for Leos. (Do get out of bed.) Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) A gaggle of planets at high noon in your chart will definitely call attention to you now. Everyone notices you, especially bosses, parents, teachers and VIPs. (And the police.) Remember this. This week, romance with a boss or someone older or more influential could begin, which could evolve into something sweet and long lasting. However, the Full Moon will trigger tension between you and authority figures. Be smart. Do not make a big deal about this. (It's simply not worth it.) This tension will come and go within about 48 hours, maybe a bit longer. Since you know it's temporary - just hold your breath. (But don't get blue in the face.) Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22) This week is mildly accident prone for your sign, so please be careful. Tension from the Full Moon can affect your communications and even how you physically get around - driving, walking, jogging or cycling. Be careful. Tensions with siblings, relatives and neighbours might also erupt. Just grin and bear it because this is a very short-lived speed bump. (Gone by Thursday or Friday for sure.) Meanwhile, this is the perfect week to make long-range travel plans or implement ideas related to publishing, the law, the media and medicine. What are your future goals in these areas? Others will help you to move successfully toward achieving something. Count on this. Use this! Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21) This week, you're concerned with finances, shared property, taxes and debt. That makes this the perfect time to tie up red-tape matters. However, expect conflict in these same areas. (Grrr.) But lo! The good news is, romance and intimate moments will be gosh-golly-gee sweet and memorable. In fact, you might attract new love with someone older, richer or more experienced. (After all, because your ruler Pluto rules magnets, you have the power to magnetize people and situations to you.) When tensions with partners and close friends get to you, remember you can be steely patient. (Always tell the truth unless you're an exceptionally good liar.) Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21) This week the only Full Moon in your sign all year is taking place. Without question, it will provoke tension and conflict with you and others, especially partners and close friends. Go out for bike rides, hikes or play sports. Wait til all this blows over - it can only last about 48 hours. Someone older might appeal to you now or help you in some way. This could be personally, or it could come to you through your job or even something related to small pets. (Woof!) Romance or a friendship might alter your future goals. (No matter how cynical you get, it's hard to keep up, isn't it?) Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) You're busy. You want to get things done and accomplish a lot this week. The major downside is that this particular New Moon (the only one all year) introduces tension at the workplace, to the extent that you feel it in your health! Be comforted by the fact this is short-lived. (Generally about 48 hours.) Do not blow your cool. Remember, this year promises vacations, fun, romance, pleasure and parties. You have much to look forward to. Romance with someone of an age difference is likely. ("We were born six minutes apart!") Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18) You're totally focusing on romantic issues right now, along with sports, pleasure, parties, vacations or playful activities with children. It's a fun focus. Work related to the hospitality industry, the entertainment world or sports are also super highlighted. A casual relationship might settle down to something permanent. (Nice to have someone to nudge in the night.) Flirtations with someone older or richer are likely. Parents must be patient with children this week and lovers must refrain from silly spats that only hurt and resolve nothing. (Ah yes, the e-mail of the species is deadlier than the mail.) Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) The Full Moon this week introduces tensions at home, within the family and with parents. It can make you feel torn between your obligations at work and your obligations at home. (Tough to keep a feel-good balance.) Don't make a big deal out of any of this. Don't overreact emotionally. The tension to this Full Moon will build up during the beginning of the week, peak in the middle of the week and be over by Friday. Be patient. Meanwhile, you can make long-range improvements where you live. Beautiful purchases or real-estate investments can be blessed. A discussion with someone older, richer or wiser can also benefit you this week. Be patient and receptive. How else can good fortune find you?
#宠物 #羊驼 虽然羊驼可爱,但是羊驼适不适合当宠物你们知道吗?
网址: ☆妮可周运 (2011.4.12.— 2011.6.18)==羊,牛,待译 https://m.mcbbbk.com/newsview447012.html
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