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Kate Cary Kate Cary.jpg 出生 1967-11-04笔名 艾琳·亨特(共用)语言 英语地区 英国官方网站 http://www.katecary.co.uk/

凯特·卡里Kate Cary)是《猫武士》小说系列的作者之一。她与编辑维多利亚·霍姆斯以及同样是作家的基立·鲍德卓和杜依·苏特兰共用着“艾琳·亨特”的笔名。[1]


凯特·卡里于1967年11月4日、一个风雨交加的日子,出生在伯明翰城外。[2][3]她在伦敦大学的皇家哈洛威学院学习巫术、癫疯和女性史,并在1989年获得了学士学位(BA)。后来,她在1992年获得了文学硕士学位(MA)。[3]随后,她搬到了苏格兰,并在那里生活了12年。在苏格兰定居时,她居住在树林里,并在那里开始写作。在1997年,她有了一个儿子,名字叫约书亚Joshua, Josh)。[3]2004年,她搬回了英格兰,现在居住于英格兰北部。[3]

她在向Working Partners公司寄送了一份样稿后,开始撰写《猫武士》。[4]对方曾建议她可以加入一个关于野猫的写作计划中,于是她尝试创作,并将作品发给了维多利亚·霍姆斯(维琪)。后者是Working Parters的一位编辑,正是她想到了《猫武士》的创意。[请求来源]维琪非常喜欢凯特的写作风格,于是凯特执笔撰写了系列的前两册书。为了跟上迅速推进的发行进度, 基立·鲍德卓也加入到创作队伍中。




而创作《猫武士》给了我想象那个世界的机会。在他们独自一猫处于黑暗中时,我常常为之担心。 但是雷族猫已然向我揭示:

这没有什么可担心的,需要享受的只有冒险而已。非官 [5]

—— 凯特·卡里



Bloodline[6] Signs of Love: Love Match[7]


她最喜欢的三只猫是黄牙[8]、灰条和松鸦羽[9]。不过另一次她说是灰条、黄牙和狮心。[10] 她最喜欢的反派是鹰霜。[11] 最不喜欢的是鸦羽和松鼠飞。[12][13][14] 她可能会有一个最喜欢的角色在雷影交加出现。[15] 如果她成为一只族群猫,那么她会在河族[8]。这是她也最喜欢的族群。[16] 如果她生活在族群中,她会想去成为族长。[8] 在艾琳·亨特访谈2中,她最喜欢看的书是《预视力量》,最喜欢自己写的《黄昏战争》[8];然而在访谈3中她最喜欢自己写的暗河汹涌。[9] 她最喜欢的猫武士配对是叶池&鸦羽。[9] 她最喜欢的反派是虎星,最喜欢的武士名字是桦落。[9] 她最不喜欢的死亡是黄牙的。[9] 如果她选一只猫作为伴侣,她会选黑莓掌。[9] 她和基立每天花6小时来写作。[9] 她认为在三部曲中松鸦爪的视角比较难写,但是比冬青爪和狮爪的好写。[9] 她在博客上曾提到会参考英文猫武士维基来写作。[17] 凯特选择用节瓜沙拉,因为黄瓜水分太多,不过她觉得黄瓜可以打出一些好闻的嗝。[18] 现在她最喜欢的名字是香薇歌。[19] 她最喜欢的族长是豹星。[20] 当被问道过猫武士中的同性配对时,凯特回答他们的书籍销售的地方仍不允许含有这种关系。她说他们的市场包含的一些国家仍然反对同性婚姻。[21] 她在五部曲中最喜欢灰翅。[22] 她不喜欢菠萝,也不喝苏打水。她会选择茶或水。[23] 她最喜欢《蓝星的预言》[24]和《预视力量》。[25][26] 她最喜欢的系列一部曲和四部曲,虽然她也喜欢三部曲和五部曲[27] 她不喜欢蜡毛。她说“我感觉蜡毛脾气暴躁且不愿愿赌服输,这点难以让人尊重他。”[28] 如果她能得到一个武士名字,那就是钩牙Crookedfang)。[29] 直到《猫武士》变得非常有人气之前,她没有被要求专注于此系列的书。[30] 她最喜欢秋天的颜色。[31] 她觉得最难写的三个场景是在天蚀遮月中的三个战斗场景和群星之战里面最后一战的场景。[32]



最喜欢的猫favorite cat):灰条[33] 最喜欢的族长favorite leader):豹星[34] 最喜欢的巫医favorite medicine cat):松鸦羽[35] 最喜欢的反派favorite villain):断星[36] 最无爱的猫least favorite cat):松针尾[37] 最喜欢的关系favorite ship):波弟x鼠毛[38] 凯特说他们技术上不是伴侣,但一直是她很喜欢的关系,温暖而长久。 最喜欢的官配favorite canon paring):火星x沙风[39] 最无爱的关系least favorite ship):松鸦羽x半月[40] 凯特说她喜欢松鸦羽,她觉得这个配对会让他不够松鸦羽。 最无爱的官配least favorite canon paring):黑莓掌x松鼠飞[41] 凯特觉得他们太过精英主义,就像是公主嫁给了总理一般。 外貌设定最好的猫cat with the best design):鹰霜[42] 凯特觉得鹰霜很帅,比狮心还华丽。 外貌设定最差的猫cat with the worst design):黑星[43] 凯特觉得白衣黑袜很糟。 生平最有趣的猫cat with the most interesting life):黄牙[44] 故事最好猜的猫cat with the most predictable plotline):无[45] 你作为一名猫武士you as a warrior cat):藤池[46] 最喜欢的族群favorite Clan):河族[47] 凯特觉得这题很简单,并问谁不想做河族猫呢? 稍后,她惊讶的表示影族居然有不少粉丝,并提到他们已经没那么邪恶,虽然依然…影族。[48] 最无爱的族群least favorite Clan):风族[49] 凯特向风族喜好者道歉,并提到他们对她来说太暴躁spiky)了。 最糟糕的族长worst leader):晴天[50] 凯特说晴天反复无常,而他的领导永远是关于如何做到对自己最有利。 最无爱的反派least favorite villain):断星[51] 凯特觉得他身上有一份哭哭啼啼的懦弱是她永远没办法喜欢上的。 最好的手足best siblings):石毛和雾星[52] 凯特觉得这一题很难决定,很多手足都很棒;但这一组则是一开始就注定悲剧。 最喜欢的手足竞争best sibling rivalry):鸽翅和藤池[53] 最无爱的族长least favorite leader):一星[54] 你自创的族群之一one of your fanclan):博客族[55] 最喜欢的宠物猫favorite kittypet):茸球[56] 最喜欢的泼皮猫favorite rogue):迈卡[57] 最喜欢的动物角色(非猫)favorite animal character (not a cat)):午夜[58] 最快乐的时刻happiest moment):灰条回到雷族[59] 最悲伤的时刻saddest moment):小苔藓之死[60]


这篇文章基于CC BY-SA 3.0许可使用了维基百科(英语)上Kate Cary一文中的部分内容。 这篇文章基于CC BY-SA 3.0许可使用了猫武士维基(英语)上Kate Cary一文中的部分内容。 ↑ Who is Erin Hunter? . 访问于 2016-09-17. ↑ Kate Cary . 访问于 2016-09-18. ↑ 跳转至: 3.0 3.1 3.2 3.3 Kate Cary. BIO | Gothica }. 原页面 归档于 2015-12-05. 访问于 2016-09-18. “I was born during a storm somewhere outside Birmingham, England, in November 1967. I attended a wickedly old-fashioned girls’ school in Edgbaston between 1979 and 1986. After I escaped school, educated but unworldly, I studied at Royal Holloway College, London University and learned the history of witchcraft, madness and women, gaining a BA and an MA. In 1992, more educated but still unworldly, I moved to Scotland where I lived for 12 years in the woods. I began my writing career there and produced my dear child, Josh. In 2004 I moved back to England and settled in the decaying Victorian city of Sheffield. I will stay here until my son has finished his education. Then I shall move deep into the countryside and shelter among the stormy hills writing and collecting cats.” ↑ Kate Cary | LinkedIn . 访问于 2016-09-18. ↑ Who is Erin Hunter? . 访问于 2016-07-12. ↑ Revealed on "Bloodline" ↑ Revealed on her personal blog ↑ 跳转至: 8.0 8.1 8.2 8.3 艾琳·亨特访谈2 ↑ 跳转至: 9.0 9.1 9.2 9.3 9.4 9.5 9.6 9.7 艾琳·亨特访谈3 ↑ Kate (2015-03-02). 1,375 Responses to "Ask Kate Questions" . 访问于 2016-09-19. ↑ Kate (2016-01-26). 1,370 Responses to "Ask Kate Questions" . 访问于 2016-07-14. ↑ Kate (2016-03-21). 1,370 Responses to "Ask Kate Questions" . 访问于 2016-07-14. “Squirrelflight. I find her a horrible combination of confident and dull.” ↑ Magmawing (2016-03-24). 1,370 Responses to "Ask Kate Questions" . 访问于 2016-09-18. “I thought your least favorite cat was Crowfeather?” ↑ Kate (2016-03-24). 1,370 Responses to "Ask Kate Questions" . 访问于 2016-09-18. “My least favourite changes with time, like the sea.” ↑ Revealed on Kate's blog ↑ http://erinhunter.katecary.co.uk/ask-kate-questions/comment-page-11/#comment-208815 ↑ Revealed on her personal blog. ↑ Cakestar (2014-07-01). Kate Answers Questions: Moths . 访问于 2016-09-19. “I prefer raw courgette (zucchini) in salad. Cucumbers are too watery, though they do make nice-tasting burps.” ↑ Kate (2015-07-17). 1,375 Responses to "Ask Kate Questions" . 访问于 2016-09-19. “My current favourite is Fernsong.” ↑ Revealed on Kate's blog ↑ Revealed on Kate's blog ↑ Kate (2015-03-12). 1,730 Responses to "BlogClan Tavern #8" . 访问于 2016-09-19. ↑ Kate (2015-08-03). 1,375 Responses to "Ask Kate Questions" . 访问于 2016-09-19. ↑ Revealed on Kate's blog ↑ Kate (2015-09-13). 526 Responses to "Path of Stars Spoiler Page" . 访问于 2016-09-19. “The Sight – because that was the book when I really began to feel comfortable writing.” ↑ Cakestar (2016-04-28). 1,375 Responses to "Ask Kate Questions" . 访问于 2016-09-19. “The Sight will always be special to me because it was the book where I finally started to get the hang of this writing business.” ↑ Revealed on Kate's blog ↑ http://erinhunter.katecary.co.uk/ask-kate-questions/comment-page-5/#comment-192543 ↑ http://erinhunter.katecary.co.uk/ask-kate-questions/comment-page-25/#comment-233476 ↑ Kate (2015-03-01). 1,730 Responses to "BlogClan Tavern #8" . 访问于 2016-09-19. “I wasn’t asked to offer dedications until Warriors proved to be popular” ↑ Revealed on Kate's blog ↑ Revealed on Kate's blog ↑ Kate Cary (2017-08-07). Kate Cary (@KatieThreeCats) . Twitter . “I'm taking the #WarriorsCats challenge. Day 1 Graystripe” ↑ Kate Cary (2017-08-08). Kate Cary (@KatieThreeCats) . Twitter . “I'm taking the #WarriorsCats challenge. Day 2 Leopardstar (I wish she's had her own super edition)” ↑ Kate Cary (2017-08-10). Kate Cary (@KatieThreeCats) . Twitter . “Day 3 Jayfeather of course! ❤️ #warriorcats” ↑ Kate Cary (2017-08-11). Kate Cary (@KatieThreeCats) . Twitter . “Day 4 Brokenstar #warriorcats #WarriorsCats” ↑ Kate Cary (2017-08-12). Kate Cary (@KatieThreeCats) . Twitter . “Day 5 Needletail #warriorcats” ↑ Kate Cary (2017-08-14). Kate Cary (@KatieThreeCats) . Twitter . “Day 6 MousefurxPurdy (technically not mates, but their relationship was one of my favourites, for its warmth and consistency) #warriorcats” ↑ Kate Cary (2017-08-14). Kate Cary (@KatieThreeCats) . Twitter . “Day 7 FirestarxSandstorm Warriors' first power couple Before relationships got complicated.” ↑ Kate Cary (2017-08-15). Kate Cary (@KatieThreeCats) . Twitter . “Day 8 Jayfeather x Half Moon - because I love Jay and I think a relationship would dilute his Jayfeatheriness.” ↑ Kate Cary (2017-08-16). Kate Cary (@KatieThreeCats) . Twitter . “Day 9 Brambleclaw x Squirrelflight Too elitist. Like if a princess married a prime minister. #warriorcats” ↑ Kate Cary (2017-08-17). Kate Cary (@KatieThreeCats) . Twitter . “Thank you for explaining what “design” means! Day 10 Hawkfrost - devilishly handsome. Even more gorgeous than Lionheart.” ↑ Kate Cary (2017-08-18). Kate Cary (@KatieThreeCats) . Twitter . “Day 11 Blackstar - that whole black socks/white suit thing…” ↑ Kate Cary (2017-08-20). Kate Cary (@KatieThreeCats) . Twitter . “Day 12 Yellowfang #warriorcats” ↑ Kate Cary (2017-08-21). Kate Cary (@KatieThreeCats) . Twitter . “Day 13 No one!” ↑ Kate Cary (2017-08-22). Kate Cary (@KatieThreeCats) . Twitter . “Day 14 Ivypool” ↑ Kate Cary (2017-08-23). Kate Cary (@KatieThreeCats) . Twitter . “Day 15 - an easy one today! RiverClan. Who wouldn't want to be a RiverClan cat?” ↑ Kate Cary (2017-08-23). Kate Cary (@KatieThreeCats) . Twitter . “I am surprised to see so many ShadowClan fans! I know they've become less evil over the years, but they're still…ShadowClan! #warriorcats” ↑ Kate Cary (2017-08-25). Kate Cary (@KatieThreeCats) . Twitter . “Day 16 WindClan (Sorry WindClan lovers. WindClan are just too spiky for me!) #warriorcats” ↑ Kate Cary (2017-08-26). Kate Cary (@KatieThreeCats) . Twitter . “Day 17 Clear Sky - he was so capricious and changeable, and his leadership was mostly about what was best for Clear Sky #warriorcats” ↑ Kate Cary (2017-08-26). Kate Cary (@KatieThreeCats) . Twitter . “Day 18 Brokenstar - there was a snivelling cowardliness about him that I could never learn to love. Did I misunderstand him? #warriorcats” ↑ Kate Cary (2017-08-29). Kate Cary (@KatieThreeCats) . Twitter . “Day 19 - incredibly hard one today! So many great siblings. Stonefur and Mistytar - so much tragedy right from the start. #warriorcats” ↑ Kate Cary (2017-09-01). Kate Cary (@KatieThreeCats) . Twitter . “Day 20 Ivypool and Dovewing - Ivy+DarkForest VS Dovewing+StarClan - who was the real hero? #ivypool #warriorcats” ↑ Kate Cary (2017-09-01). Kate Cary (@KatieThreeCats) . Twitter . “Day 21 Onestar” ↑ Kate Cary (2017-09-04). Kate Cary (@KatieThreeCats) . Twitter . “Day 22 BlogClan of course! ❤️” ↑ Kate Cary (2017-09-05). Kate Cary (@KatieThreeCats) . Twitter . “Day 23 Fuzzball (Tigerheart's Shadow) Best Kittypet Ever! ” ↑ Kate Cary (2017-09-11). Kate Cary (@KatieThreeCats) . Twitter . “Day 24 Micah from Moth Flight's Vision” ↑ Kate Cary (2017-09-12). Kate Cary (@KatieThreeCats) . Twitter . “Day 25 Midnight, of course!” ↑ Kate Cary (2017-09-14). Kate Cary (@KatieThreeCats) . Twitter . “Day 26 Graystripe's return to ThunderClan. #warriorcats” ↑ Kate Cary (2017-09-15). Kate Cary (@KatieThreeCats) . Twitter . “Day 27 The death of Mosskit. Writing it broke my heart. #warriorcats”
