小肠(空肠) 曲精小管Seminiterous ubules Tes cutar 耐 尾韧带 尿道肌 犬猫生殖系统 左前肺叶的前段 右中脉叶 uom arxas m Penie retractor m阴缩肌 Loft modal 输出小管Emerent ductules of cervix Le shrae ho 附翠头Head of epididymis Greater ko yaxl Coestrktor of Urinary bladder 前庭 输屋管 输精管 Urinary beadder Duodenun Cranial part of 附睾尾韧带 脾 阴蒂窝 盆底 母猫的胸腔、腹腔、盆腔的脏器和骨骼(左侧视图) 睾丸精索鞘膜 Anal sac 空肠 肝友外侧叶 Lolt kdnu Roght miaslo Caudal kobe of tvor Aous肛门 Urctor 阴囊sarotum Corpus cavemosum(cavemovs body)尿道海绵体 (pubic symphyss) B. Pubic symphysis耻骨联合 wma阴户 Lolt kung caudal kbe 膀胱 尿道海绵体肌 Doforont duct Prepuce 母犬生殖系统 PLATE2.20Left lateral view of the relations of the reproductve organs of the female. CMoral fossa Loo cOn Corpus spongiosum(spongy body)阴茎海绵体 子官内口tntemal uterine ostum Vaginal part Smad intostine 左肾左卵巢输卵管 翠丸1000 Raght cranial Urethea. 阴茎骨 前庭球 kbg of king (retected) 尿道球腺 Symphysial tendon 白膜 Deferant duct输精管 Cut edge of Floor of the pevis Tostis 左前肺叶的后段肝左中叶 omentum 阴蒂CMorie Bulb of the penle gtans 阴囊Scrotum 睾丸 外阴缩窄器 膀光 Long part of penibe gians Ouadrate kobe Right batoral kobe cf liver 肝左外侧叶 Vestbular bulb kbo of hung greater omentum on阳道 Labia阴唇 Urniry thadter 龟头延长部 泰丸 直肠尾骨肌 左子官角 PL.ATE2.17Right lateral view of thoracic,abdominal.and pelvic viscera related to the skeleton of the male 母猫生殖系统 阴茎包皮 Bulbospongousm球海绵体肌 Tail of 肛门 肝方叶 阴茎头 子宫体 犬腹部器官 附翠管Epiditymal duet c uo Righe kidney 阴道前庭Vaginal veslbue 右后肺叶 阴门缩肌 (pubic&ischial bones) 阴蒂 Left uterine 膀胱颈 Sploen PLATE2.18Left lateral view of thoracic,abdominal and pelvic viscera related to the skeleton of the female Rght caudal Dutxrutthrul gland 直精小管Straight tubules Stomach 附案 第7腰椎 Vontral abdominal wall Right uterine 肝脏 公犬生殖系统 PLATE2.19Relations of the reproductive organs of the male. 大网膜 脾脏 Raht midde Tunica aibuginea 精索 公猫生殖系统 Uhethra 子宫体uterine body 阴茎牵开肌 jejunum 阴蒂窝Ciaoral fossa 左后肺叶 小肠(空肠)肝右中叶 子宫颈 尿道Uethra Uroler 阴茎 Exlcmal anal schincdor m. Urothral m. 阴茎体 Deferent ducl 前列腺 尿道口 股骨肌 肛门外括约肌 输尿管 Rectum直肠 Utaree cen子宫颈 Duodenum nn cd e 直肠 阴茎头球 心脏 联合肌腱 Lott bahorul Epididymis 阴道前庭 睾丸网 Cut edoe cf skin 十二指肠 附道 右子官角 右前肺叶 Vaginal sunic 公猫胸腔、腹腔、盆腔的脏器和骨骼(右侧视图) 右肾 Urethral opening 左子昌角 阴户 Spleen 尿道 尿道结节Urethral tubercle 切掉大网膜的边缘 Extemal anal Urnary bladder A 腹部 Body of uterus 附翠体Body of epidicymia 皮肤切割边缘 阴道 肝尾叶 睾丸动脉/静脉 会阴 阴茎包皮o..... 子宫外口Extemal uterne ostum 胸股沟浅淋巴结 Rotractor ponis m. leesicularA&V 明Sorotam Penide bone 肛门囊 oe0 CNO Superficial ingunaf nn Coils of Vuiva阴户 Claoris Testicular A&V 降结肠
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