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你会为《我的世界 地下城》内的哪只宠物投票?​


Who will you vote for?

关于“我的世界地下城”,你最喜欢的是什么?是永无止境的行动?还是让人紧皱眉头的悬念?也许你十分偏爱这个史诗故事。就我个人而言,我是宠物的狂粉。我无法抗拒他们。他们忠诚、勇猛,而且,太 太 太可爱了!我只想和他们一起私奔(bushi)!我想要带着所有的动物一起走,但当我告诉地下城团队这件事时(当然我没必要这么做),他们告诉我所有的宠物都要留在原处。但是如果我不再大喊大叫,他们会为我最心爱的宠物做一些特别的事。
What’s your favorite thing about Minecraft Dungeons? Is the endless action? The nail-biting suspense? Maybe you’re partial to the epic story. Personally, I am a huge fan of the pets. How could I resist? They’re loyal, fierce, and oh so adorable. I just want to run away with all of them! Strike that, I need to run away with all of them. When I informed the Dungeons team of this – which I did not have to do! – I was told that all the pets needed to stay put. But if I stopped yelling, they would do something special for my favorite pet.

I know what they’re up to. They don’t think that I can choose just one. And they’re right, which is why I need your help! Being the devoted detective that I am, I have gone undercover and infiltrated the camp where all the pets hang out when they aren’t dungeon crawling with their heroes. I figured that if you’re going to pick one winner, you need to be able to observe them in their natural habitat.

We will be using these findings to reveal a special showcase for all the pets on Twitter! Keep your eyes peeled for their adorable antics, even if you already have a favorite you may see one in a new light that will help you decide on which pet gets your vote. We’ll be splitting them up into three polls, four in the first one, four more in the second, and in the final round two pets will face off for the championship!

The final votes will be cast in September and the winner will grant me an exclusive interview. I have been trusted with relaying this to you, so prepare yourself for some very serious journalism.

失陪一下,我给《我的世界 地下城》团队寄刀片去了
Now if you’ll excuse me, I have some threatening thank you notes to write to the Dungeons team.

原文链接: https://www.minecraft.net/en-us/article/the-pets-minecraft-dungeons-face-off
发布时间: 2021年8月17日
原文作者: Sofia Dankis
翻译者: Glorydark
翻译指导: YYT


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