头部检查-《鼻腔检查》 Outline 2023-8-8 《宠物临床检查技术》课件 2 PURPOSE 2023-8-8 《宠物临床检查技术》课件 3 INDICATIONSEvaluation of a patient with symptoms of respiratory difficulty, coughing, sneezing, noisy breathing, exercise intolerance, or lethargy。评估患畜的呼吸困难症状、咳嗽、打喷嚏、呼吸声音吵杂运动不耐或或者活力不佳。 2023-8-8 《宠物临床检查技术》课件 4 CONTRAINDICATIONS AND WARNINGS 2023-8-8 《宠物临床检查技术》课件 5 POSITIONING AND RESTRAINT 2023-8-8 《宠物临床检查技术》课件 6 SPECIAL ANATOMY 2023-8-8 《宠物临床检查技术》课件 7 TECHNIQUE:RESPIRATORY EXAMINATION 1. Have the patient stand on the table or on the floor. 2. Examine the nares(鼻腔) for any abnormal discharge. 2023-8-8 《宠物临床检查技术》课件 8 3. Characterize any discharge as unilateral or bilateral. Very focal disease such as an inhaled foreign body, dental abscess, or oronasal fistula is most likely to cause a unilateral discharge. Progressive disorders such as fungal rhinitis and neoplasia may cause a nasal discharge that is initially unilateral but progresses to bilateral. Systemic or diffuse disorders such as allergic rhinitis and lymphoplasmacytic rhinitis typically cause bilateral discharge. 2023-8-8 《宠物临床检查技术》课件 9 确认鼻分泌物为间侧或双侧。不同的局部疾病如吸入异物(inhaled foreign body)、齿脓疡(dental abscess)或者口鼻瘘管(oronasal fistula),最可能只造成单侧分泌物。进行性的疾病,如真菌性鼻炎(fungal rhinitis)与肿瘤(neoplasia)可能造成鼻分泌物,起初为单侧,但会发展为双侧。全身笥或弥漫性的疾病,如过敏性鼻炎以及淋巴浆细胞性鼻炎(lymphoplasmacytic rhinitis)通常会造成双侧分泌物。 2023-8-8 《宠物临床检查技术》课件 10 4. Describe any discharge as watery(水样的), mucoid(粘液性的), purulent(脓性), or bloody(血样). A. A serous (watery) nasal discharge can be normal or can indicate a viral infection, nasal mites, or allergy.A watery discharge could also be the earliest manifestation of any of the disorders causing a purulent nasal discharge. 浆液性(serous)(水样)鼻分泌物可能是正常的,也可能是病毒感染(viral infection)、鼻恙虫(nasal mites)或过敏(allergy)。水样的分泌物也可能为任何造成脓样分泌物疾病的早期现象。 2023-8-8 《宠物临床检查技术》课件 11 B. A cloudy mucoid discharge without an abundance of inflammatory cells can be seen in dogs with allergic rhinitis, cats with chronic viral rhinosinusitis, and dogs and cats with nasal neoplasia, par
运动神经检查 宠物神经系统检查(宠物临床检查技术).pptx
网址: 宠物头部检查—鼻喉检查技术(宠物临床检查技术课件).pptx https://m.mcbbbk.com/newsview516585.html
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