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Principles of Pet Food Palatability 9.7 AFB (宠物食品适口性原则9.7 空军基地).pdf

Principles of Pet Food Palatability 9.7 AFB (宠物食品适口性原则9.7 空军基地)

Principles of Pet Food Palatability People expend a great deal of effort making food taste good. In pursuit of palatability, we sprinkle spices, use flavorful fats, and choose varying preparation methods. Appetizing foods take center stage at parties, holidays, and family gatherings. We applaud superstar chefs, and dedicate television channels, magazines, websites, and countless books to the subject of pleasurable flavors. Is it any wonder that our pets respond to food flavors, as well? Instead of food on your plate, consider the fare served in our pets’ bowls. A celebration of flavor happens every time a pup bounds to his bowl, or a cat responds to the sound of a can opening. Not only do we want pets to enjoy meal time, we want to ensure they’re getting proper nutrition to support a vibrant, healthy life. Just as most people probably won’t eat a bowl of wheat germ each morning - no matter how healthy it is - a pet can’t be forced to eat a healthy but unpalatable meal. Palatant Overview Palatants are ingredient systems that are specially designed to make pet foods, treats, and supplements taste better, ensuring that pets receive the vital nutrients they need. Palatants entice a pet to consume a food, treat, or supplement that, while nutritious, may be inconsistent with their native diet. Pet food palatants are widely used in many regions of the world. In particular, large markets exist in regions that have high per household pet food consumption, such as the United States, Australia, France, Japan, and Chile. Dry


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网址: Principles of Pet Food Palatability 9.7 AFB (宠物食品适口性原则9.7 空军基地).pdf https://m.mcbbbk.com/newsview546809.html

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