今年七月份的宠物包装设计项目 ,客户是上海的一家公司 。客户本身一直在做宠物行业相关的工作 ,也一直想创立一个属于自己的宠物品牌 。于是看到我们是一家专业做宠物包装设计/品牌设计的工作室。便邀请为他们进行产品的包装设计,我们也是特地去上海和客户面对面的进行项目的讨论。
客户的logo是之前已经做好的,我们结合logo的图形和名称(澄蕉),提取出来 橙色作为主视觉颜色。主画面 提取出一猫 一狗 用在对应的产品之上 画面的核心表达思想是活力 健康 快乐。
The pet packaging design project for July this year was undertaken by a company based in Shanghai. The client has been working in the pet industry and has always wanted to create their own pet brand. So I saw that we are a professional studio specializing in pet packaging design/brand design. We invited them to design the packaging for their products, and we also went to Shanghai specifically to discuss the project face-to-face with the client.
The customer's logo has already been prepared before, and we extracted orange as the main visual color based on the logo's graphics and name (Chengjiao). The main screen extracts a cat and a dog for use on the corresponding product, and the core expression of the screen is vitality, health, and happiness.
宠物 仓鼠 品牌设计
东帝汶《 woolly pet 》品牌设计
知喵 宠物品牌全案设计 - design by 郑昌洪是个设计师
高爷家 宠物品牌设计 - design by DXD设计工作室
首饰设计| 把宠物贴身带上~
网址: 【原创设计】宠物品牌设计全案 https://m.mcbbbk.com/newsview798658.html
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