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概述:世界小动物兽医协会更新犬猫绝育指南,英国批准人造蛋白用于宠物食品,Meatly获首家授权。美国公司推出首款人造鱼肉宠物零食。Pets Choice收购高端素食品牌,瑞典Nutriment收购鲜粮品牌。Boehringer Ingelheim上半年业绩增长,但动物保健业务低于预期。巴基斯坦提高猫狗食品进口税,中国艾益药品申请疫苗获批。



WASVA Updated Dogs&Cats Sterilization Guidelines.

In June of this year, the World Small Animal Veterinary Association (WSAVA) updated its guidelines for neutering dogs and cats. The new content includes discussions on current practices and explanations of newer surgical and non-surgical methods. The guidelines also explore the health benefits and drawbacks of each method and explore ethical issues. 



UK approves cultivated protein for pet food

Cultivated protein pet food brand Meatly announced it has received regulatory clearance to sell cultivated meat for pet food in the UK, making it the first to receive authorization for cultivated pet food in UK & Europe market.


总部位于美国加的Friends & Family Pet Food与总部位于新加坡的养殖海鲜公司UMAMI Bioworks合作开发并推出了世界上第一款由养殖鱼制成的猫零食。产品采用高价值微藻、优质培养蛋白和必需营养素的混合物设计而成,采用 UMAMI Bioworks 先进的培养技术和工艺,兼具营养和可持续性。

First cultivated fish cat treats

Based in San Francisco, California, U.S., Friends & Family Pet Food (FnF) and UMAMI Bioworks, a cultivated seafood company based in Singapore, have partnered to co-develop and launch what they said is the world's first cat treats made from cultivated fish.

FnF’s new product line of cat treats, designed with high-value microalgae, a blend of high-quality cultured proteins and essential nutrients, results from UMAMI Bioworks’ advanced cultivated technology and processes, said the company. FnF combines UMAMI’s innovation with its proprietary pet food platform to launch a broad range of pet food products at the intersection of nutrition and sustainability.

Pets Choice收购


总部位于英国的Pets Choice从美国的Power Pet Brands手中收购了优质素食狗品牌HOWND。HOWND提供全面的植物性湿狗粮和干狗粮、健康零食和无残忍认证的宠物护理产品。

Pets Choice acquires HOWND to extend into premium sector

The UK-based Pets Choice has acquired premium vegan dog brand HOWND from Power Pet Brands,which offers a comprehensive range of plant-based wet and dry dog food, wellness treats, and cruelty-free certified pet care products.

瑞典The Nutriment Company

收购英国鲜粮品牌Natural Instinct

瑞典宠物食品制造商TNC宣布收购宠物生食和零食制造商Natural Instinct。此次交易预计将有助于巩固 TNC 在中欧高品质天然宠物食品市场的领先地位。

这是 TNC 在 2024 年的第二笔投资,此前该公司最近收购了苏格兰生宠物食品生产商Totally Natural Pet Products。

The Nutriment Company acquired British raw pet food manufacturer Natural Instinct

he Swedish pet food manufacturer The Nutriment Company (TNC) has announced the acquisition of Natural Instinct, a Surrey-based raw pet food and treat manufacturer.The transaction is expected to help cement TNC’s position as a leading player in the Central European market for high-quality natural pet food.

This is TNC’s second investment in 2024, following its recent acquisition of Scottish raw pet food producer Totally Natural Pet Products.




Boehringer discloses performance for the first half of 2024

Net sales in the first half of 2024 increased by 7.4% * year-on-year to €12.90 billion.

In the first half of the year, the animal health business grew less than expected, with net sales up 0.9% year-on-year to €2.50 billion.



Pakistan announces doubling of import tax on pet food.

The Pakistan Federal Bureau of Revenue (FBR) has imposed a 50% regulatory tax on imported cat and dog food as part of the Finance Bill 2024, which was submitted to the Pakistan National Assembly last month.




The world's first canine sex control vaccine has been approved for clinical trials.

Suzhou Affection Animal Pharmaceuticals applied for a clinical trial of a vaccine for controlling sexual characteristics, which has recently been approved for clinical trials of veterinary biological products in China (approval number: 2024037). This is the world's first vaccine for controlling sexual characteristics to enter the clinical trial stage. The product is designed by immunology to inhibit the secretion of sex hormones, control the sexual characteristics and indecent behavior of pets.




The 2nd China Pet Supply Chain Conference was successfully held.

On July 17-18, the 2nd China Pet Supply Chain Conference and related forums jointly sponsored by Pet Industry and Shandong Pet Industry Association were successfully held in Linyi, Shandong.

Over a thousand pet brand representatives, supply chain representatives, factory representatives, and technical management executives gathered on site to discuss the win-win situation between pet brands and factories and promote resource docking.



Pulike released its performance forecast for the first half of 2024.

Recently, Pulike released its performance forecast for the first half of 2024. It is expected to achieve a Net Profit attributable to the owners of the parent company of 69 million yuan to 81 million yuan in the first half of 2024, a year-on-year decrease of 30.03% to 40.40%.



Germany CARNY canned food series enters the Chinese market

In June, the CARNY series of canned cat food products under Germany's leading pet brand animonda entered the Chinese market as original imports. In the second quarter of 2024, animonda sold more than 500,000 cans in the Chinese market.


信元发育宝官方信息,公司旗下信元制药中科厂及信元宠食虎跃厂成为台湾第一家正式通过美国FDAFSMA认证(美国食品安全现代化法案Food SafetyModernization Act)的宠物食品及宠物保健品工厂这也标志这信元发育宝旗下产品可以进军美国市场。

Singen Layout in the US Market

Singen official information, the company's subsidiary Singen Pharmaceutical Zhongke Factory and Singen Pet Food Tiger Leap Factory have become the first pet food and pet health product factories in Taiwan to officially pass the US FDAFSMA certification (US Food Safety Modernization Act), which also marks that Singen's products can enter the US market.


宠物主粮业务大涨 源飞宠物上半年营收同比增长26.38%

网址: 2024年上半年宠物行业动态:创新产品与市场扩展 https://m.mcbbbk.com/newsview899627.html

上一篇: 日本专家为宠物狗研制人造血液—新
下一篇: 小伙宠物市场偶遇“人造”斑点狗,