1、宠物医师与宠物主人的有效沟通介绍:根据在美国从事20 年咨询服务工作的经验,笔者意识到,成功运营动物医院最重要的工具就是有效的沟通。有效的沟通能够让客户更愿意接受服务, 让客户对医院更加信任,从而接受医生的建议,放心地把宠物留在医院进行治疗。方法:促进与客户更有效的沟通,有以下3 点主要方法1. 我们需要了解的是, 沟通是一种双向的路径, 需要有演讲者(医院员工)与听众(客户)。演讲者需要经过培训,才能让听众了解医院工作流程的重要性。2. 有效的沟通应有一种固定的模式,每位员工都需要遵循该模式。预防兽医学的 5 个步骤是促进沟通有用的工具。3. 同时,所有的沟通都应建立在同情心与高质量服务的基
2、础上。沟通的基础是员工教育:有效沟通的基础来源于员工与医生们丰富的知识和高度的自信。没有足够的知识与经验,无法让客户了解医院为什么需要进行如此复杂的工作流程。提高员工的自信,方法就是让他们在医院里通过学习、培训、接触各种不同的病例,从而增强他们的经验和知识。员工教育对于医院的成功至关重要,因为大部分的沟通都是从员工开始,又从员工结束。如果计算一下,动物医院中非专业员工与客户相处的时间是临床兽医与客户相处时间的两倍。当客户第一次打电话或者拜访医院,员工首先与客户交谈并邀请他来医院。此时正是员工开始对客户进行教育的时机,早于医生对客户的宠物进行检查的时候。 在检查室时, 医生来之前, 员工还可以进
3、行体温、脉搏的检测。这是一个很好的机会,员工可以向客户解释该宠物现在的状况以及医生可能会给出怎样的建议等等。所以,员工的知识与教育程度非常重要,员工的参与能提高医生诊断的价值。当医生的诊断结束后,员工可再次安慰客户, 让客户放心。 医生检查和诊断的结果,对宠物的护理会有一系列的建议和计划。这也是员工进行客户教育的重要时机。 ADDS(该治疗方案的好处、不执行该治疗方案的后果、医生所提建议的关键点、整个故事)是我的医生们通常使用的促进医患有效沟通的方法。因为沟通是双向的,那么听取客户的意见,记录客户的需求就是沟通非常重要的组成部分。需要告之客户、需要客户同意的内容,也都是应该记录在案。当客户决定
4、是否在这所医院治疗他们的宠物时,他们想要知道以下 3 件事情,当然医生可以向客户进行解释,但是值得信赖的员工也可以承担这项任务:1. 我将会付费多少?2. 我的宠物怎么了,你们将要做些什么?3. 多久能恢复,以后会复发吗?当解释明白后,客户就会同意医生的建议,同时签署医疗合同。医疗合同中除了医疗方案外,应当包括医疗费用、支付方式以及宠物送诊时间。当然还应留下客户电话,以便当医生想对医疗方案进行修改时,能随时联系到客户。 除了急诊以外, 在没有签署医疗合同之前,不采取诊疗措施。所有这些对客户进行沟通教育的行为,都要求员工自身的水平非常高。每月拨出特定的时间进行一次的室内员工培训,是医院向员工表示
5、院方非常重视员工的教育与培训。员工会议是拨出特定的时间, 员工与医生一起讨论病例和客户,也是员工学习的过程。有一个原则:教育让人更有责任感。同理,通过员工来对客户进行教育的重要性可见一斑。制度化标准化的沟通技巧:当双方进行沟通时,我们总是希望说有意思的事情。在一个忙碌的动物医院里,每天会同时发生太多的事情,电话铃声、犬吠声、客户在前台咨询,正在给宠物做术前准备,准备迎接送诊的动物,客户在等待治疗评价等等,所有这些营造出一个压力环境。当客户匆匆忙忙时,我们与客户交谈,往往也会漏掉或忽略我们应当对他们解释或建议的内容。如果每个员工都有一个自检目录,就能提醒我们自己不会忽略该向客户交代的所有要素。在
6、过去的 20 年中,笔者在多家动物医院推广预防兽医学5 步自检目录,获得了很大成功。该自检目录适用于所有动物医院,同时也可因地制宜,根据每家医院不同的需要作调整。 该自检目录最重要的价值在于,医院的每一位员工都可以统一地对客户进行教育、解释和建议。自检目录也是病例的一部分,能够显示在医生提出建议之后,最终客户选择了那种医疗方案,又放弃了哪些方案。面向客户进行制度化标准化的沟通、教育与建议,对于医院经营的成功与否非常重要。自检目录样本如下:客户姓名日期宠物名就诊目的:新宠物检查注射疫苗六个月体检,每年CBC/GP与免疫效价疫苗佐剂疫苗效价每年基本血常规Q6M检查建议其他1、 营养健康食品供应商来
7、源iVet 食谱 i Vet 食疗 O3O6 FA/Zn 食品 Rx 食谱建议2、 体内和体外寄生虫预防,人畜共患病Q3M粪便检查 跳蚤 / 心丝虫预防 涡虫疫苗建议3、 口腔卫生对于健康的重要性牙胶 牙齿印模材料洗牙 抗生素建议4、 动物行为学,人与动物的交流一般咨询处方 行为学家咨询建议5、 该诊所特有的选项卵巢切除 / 去势手术肛门腺通便化毛膏宠物美容建议富有同情心的沟通是建立在人与动物情感纽带(Human AnimalBond)的基础上。只要 HAB成为员工沟通的一部分,员工就能与客户进行富有同情心的沟通。 HAB不仅仅是你向客户说了些什么,而是从你的身体语言就能感觉到。抚摸宠物的头、
8、脖子、尾巴,轻搓宠物的腹部,这些身体语言都能在与交谈时表现出与宠物的亲密。与宠物坐在同高度的地板上,能让它们有回到家的感觉。如果医生和医院其他员工能这样做,会给客户留下非常深刻的印象。在给宠物检查完毕提出医疗方案时,就又能与宠物建立另一种 HAB,同时让客户感受到员工的同情心。带领客户参观处置室与住院处,让客户放心地把宠物留下来进行治疗。关于拥有宠物与人们生活的关系,一直以来的研究与事例数不胜数。 在美国有很多监狱用宠物充当犯人在狱中的 “室友” 。很多残障人士,每天都接受宠物治疗或陪伴。对于很多情绪紊乱或精神失常的病人,与宠物共同生活也是一种先进的治疗方式。人们从最自然的层面了解宠物,同时,
9、自己也回到了自然的状态。拥有宠物就像拥有了自然。所有这些知识,都应该通过医院的员工传达给我们的客户。当客户理解了医院所有的工作程序都是源自对动物的同情,他们就更能理解了这些医疗程序的必要性。当客户明白宠物更大的价值时,他们也会对宠物更加照顾,就像对家人一样。结论:我们已经知道通过教育促进沟通的重要性、预防兽医学、HAB这三个要素。通过教育提高员工的知识,严格的制度化的预防医学检查,员工对HAB的知识,这三者是促进有效沟通,说服客户的基础。有效的沟通能让医院、客户、宠物三方都得到最好的结果。Successful Client Communication in Veterinary Hospita
10、ls in the USAIntroduction:Through 20 years experienceas a consultantin the US, I haverecognized the most important tools that practitioners need to polish to maketheirpractice successful. These are COMMUNICATIONtools thatare used forbetterservice renderedto the CLIENTS. Through the optimum communica
11、tion clientsbuildhighlevel trustand confidence in the clinician.As a resultof the trusttheirpets are left for the services and treatment that were recommended by theclinician.Method: I would like to point out 3 important ways that the communicationbecomes successful.1. We need to understand the comm
12、unication is definitely two way street. It means there are the speaker and the listener ( staff and clients). Speaker should be highly educated for the listener to be able to understand the importance of the procedures.2. It also takes a form of structure and every one need to follow this formality
13、as part of the system. 5 Steps of Preventive Medicine is highly effective tools for communication.3. Also, all above action for commutation should be based on compassion and Quality to the eyes of clients. Otherwise client might perceive the value ofthe treatment and recommendation as part of mercha
14、ndizing.Communication based on Staff Education: Effective communication startsfrom the knowledge and confidence of the staff and doctors. Without knowledgeand experience no one can speak up for the pets medical need and why it isimportanttoget the proceduresdone. Only way to experience thestaffconfi
15、denceis to have them learn and experience through education, training and exposureto many differentscenariowithinthe hospital.Staffeducationisso vitalforthe success of the hospital since most communication is going to be initiatedby the staffand most communication is finishedby thestaffalso.If calcu
16、latethe percentage of timethat a clinician spends with the clients it willbe lessthan 30% compared to the para-professional encounter is more than double ofdoctors. When clients calls the clinic or visits initially, staff first talksand invitedthem to the hospital.Even in walk-incases,the communicat
17、ionstartswith questions on the condition of pets and how the problems started. In awellness care cases also, staff can communicate about preventive medicalelements. This is the moment that the staff (receptionist) can plant the seedsto educatetheclientsbeforetheirpets are examined by thedoctor.Durin
18、gtheexaminationroom also,staffcan do TPR( temperature, Pulse and Respirationcheck)before doctor comes in for examination.Thisis alsoa great opportunityto speakto clients about the conditions of the pets and what doctor may speak to thempertainingto theconditionof the pets.So, staff knowledge and the
19、ireducationcan be so valuable since their participation enhances the value of the doctors time at the time doctor evaluate the cases and make diagnosis. Once thediagnosis is finished staff can revisit to comfort the clients also with wordsof assurance. As a result of doctor s examination and diagnos
20、is there will berecommendationsand plan forthecareofthepets.This is when thetechniciansand para-professionals can participate in the act of client education. ADDS( Advantages of the treatment process, Disadvantages what the treatment is notfollowedthrough,Distinctionofthe particularprocess that doct
21、orisproposing,and Storytelling) is one ofthetoolsthatmany ofmy doctors are using to makethe communication more effective. As the communication is two-way-streetlistening to what clients say and putting in record on what they request aresuch a vital part of communication. The component the clients sh
22、ould be toldand what they agreed should be all in record also. When clients leave the petsat the clinic for treatment there are 3 things they wants to know and it shouldbe clearly explained before and/or during the treatment. Although it might bebest that doctors explain about these items, depending
23、 on the level of truststaff may be able to do it effectively.1. How much it will cost when I return?2. What is wrong with my pet and what will be done about it?3. How soon will it get better and will it happen again?Once these are fully explained Client leave a notation that they agreed to the propo
24、sal through a paper trail. Agreement should be formulated as part of the written record regarding cost of the treatment, method of payment andtime of discharge of the patients. Client s contact phone member is essentialin an event that doctor might change the course of treatment for the best careof
25、the pet. No treatment should be performed unless it is an emergency so thatthe contact number is so crucial for the approval of additional treatment. Allthese act of communication and education of the client requires high leveleducation ofstaff. Once of month in-housetrainingby setting asidea design
26、atedtime is a good example to show the staff the hospital is serious about stafftraining and education. Staff meeting set aside in advance will be a good toolfor the staffand doctors communicate todiscuss about the patientsand clientsas part of the learning process. Knowing the principle that“Educat
27、ed personbecomes more responsible and responsive ” , the importance of client education through staff knowledge should be further emphasized.Structured Skills on Communication: We all want to say impressive thingsto the other party when we communicate. In a busy veterinary practice, thereare so many
28、thingshappening simultaneously.Ringing of the phone, dogs barking,clients asking for the medication at the front desk. Surgical patient being prepared, getting it ready for the discharge animals, clients waiting for treatment estimates: all these put us in a pressure cooker leading us to a stressful
29、 environment. Speaking to clients when they are in such a hurry evenmakes us to forgetand/or neglectwhat we need to explainand recommend. Havinga formulated check list for recommendation is a good way not to skip routineand regularsteps of preventivemedical procedures as wellas electiveelementswhen
30、patients are in theexaminationroom. Authorhas used 5 Steps ofPreventiveMedicine Check listoverthe last 20 years to manydifferent practiceswithtotalsuccess. This check list is for a general practice although it can be alteredinsuch a way thatfits the practice s needs. Most important thing of thislist
31、isthat the staff can uniformly can educate, explainand recommendtheprocedures.This is also becomes part of the medical record showing what was recommended and what procedures are not followed through after recommendation. This structured process of communication through education and recommendation is a vit
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