摘要 随着生活水平的提高以及对宠物观念的改变,养宠物的人越来越多,而这也带动了宠物食品等相关产业的发展。我国宠物食品已成为当前国内发展最快的行业之一。而人们对于宠物食品质量要求也不断提高,更加注重宠物的营养健康和饮食搭配。但是由于当前市场上宠物食品的质量参差不齐,爱宠人士基于对小动物健康的担心,不敢放心购买,而这也在一定程度上制约了宠物食品企业的生产与发展。对于这种现象,目前我国宠物食品企业普遍采用的办法是通过建立ISO9001体系或者构建REP质量管理体系来确保产品质量。基于这两种方法具有多方面的共同特征,可以结合起来,因此,笔者在调查并分析了宠物食品相关产业发展现状及宠物食品质量管理等问题的基础上,探讨了构建基于ISO9001体系的宠物食品ERP质量关系体系的思路和方法,以期对我国宠物食品质量的提升一级相关产业的发展起到一定的促进作用。 关键词:ISO9001体系;宠物食品;ERP质量管理系统 Abstract with the improvement of living standards and change of concept of pet and pet owners more and more, and this has driven the development of related industries, such as pet food. Pet food in China has become one of the fastest growing industry in China at present. And for pet food quality requirements are constantly improve, people pay more attention to the pet nutrition health and diet is tie-in. But because the current market of pet food quality is uneven, love dandle people based on small animal health worry, cant rest assured to buy, which to some extent, restricted the pet food production and development of the enterprise. Compares a standard at present, our country enterprise quality management methods have two kinds, one kind is through the establishment of the ISO9001 quality management system, standardize enterprise operation process, to ensure product quality, the other is through the establishment of quality management information system to ensure product quality. Based on the above reasons, the author in the investigation and analysis of the pet food industry development present situation and the pet food quality management and other issues, on the basis of building is discussed based on ISO9001 system of pet food quality of ERP system of thought and method, in order to Chinas pet food quality level play a promoting role in the development of relevant industries. Keywords: ISO9001 system; Pet food; ERP quality management system 目录 TOC o 1-3 h u 22959 1前言 1 17209 2 ISO9001体系及ERP概述 2 7720 2.1 ISO9001体系概述 2 19045 2.1.1 ISO9001体系简介 2 17283
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网址: 基于ISO9001体系研究宠物食品的ERP质量管理系统(20页) https://m.mcbbbk.com/newsview148070.html
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