#涨知识# 【欧洲仓鼠繁殖率急剧下降,或在30年内灭绝】国际自然保护联盟(IUCN)日前将欧洲仓鼠列为极度濒危物种。由于繁殖的越来越少,该物种或在30年内消失。在整个20世纪,欧洲仓鼠繁殖的平均数量是每窝20只,但现在已经下降到仅有5只。 The Great Hamster of Alsace, also known as the European Hamster, was put on the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN)'s "red list" of critically endangered species earlier this month. Native to Alsace in France, the rodent used to be common across Europe. However, the latest research shows their population has gone down by 75 percent. According to IUCN, urbanization could be behind the reduced reproduction rate, and the rodent species may become extinct within 30 years.