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常用职业心理健康损害测评工具概述国家卫生健康委职业安全卫生研究中心,北京 102308Overview of commonly used assessment tools for occupational psychological health damageBIE Feng-sai, XU Yang, LI Xiao-guang, YANG Han-bin, MA Kui, WANG Xue-taoNational Center for Occupational Safety and Health, National Health Commission of the People’s Republic of China, Beijing 102308, China摘要图/表参考文献相关文章(15)
摘要 在职业心理研究过程中,评价职业心理健康损害程度及其影响因素的方法逐渐发展起来,其中应用最为广泛的是各类职业心理健康损害测评工具。鉴于测评工具种类繁多,各有侧重,本文旨在从职业紧张、倦怠、焦虑和抑郁四个层面,系统梳理目前国内外职业心理健康损害测评常用的工具,以期为今后的研究提供参考。服务把本文推荐给朋友加入我的书架加入引用管理器 E-mail AlertRSS作者相关文章别凤赛徐洋李晓光杨汉彬马奎王雪涛关键词 :职业心理健康, 测评工具, 评价方法, 量表   Abstract:In the process of occupational psychology research, methods to evaluate the degree of occupational psychological health damage and their influencing factors have gradually developed, of which the most widely-used tools are various assessment tools for occupational psychological health damage. In view of the wide variety of evaluation tools and their respective focuses, this article aims to systematically comb the tools commonly used in the field of evaluation of occupational psychological health damage at home and abroad from four levels of occupational stress, burnout, anxiety and depression so as to provide references for future researches.Key words:occupational psychological health  evaluation tool  evaluation method  scale   收稿日期: 2020-07-22     通讯作者:王雪涛,E-mail:13146686168@163.com。   作者简介: 别凤赛(1992-),女,硕士,研究实习员,研究方向:职业卫生。引用本文:   别凤赛, 徐洋, 李晓光, 杨汉彬, 马奎, 王雪涛. 常用职业心理健康损害测评工具概述[J]. 实用预防医学, 2021, 28(4): 510-513. BIE Feng-sai, XU Yang, LI Xiao-guang, YANG Han-bin, MA Kui, WANG Xue-tao. Overview of commonly used assessment tools for occupational psychological health damage. , 2021, 28(4): 510-513.链接本文:  https://www.syyfyx.com/CN/10.3969/j.issn.1006-3110.2021.04.028     或     https://www.syyfyx.com/CN/Y2021/V28/I4/510


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