【目的】调查和分析常州市金坛生态红线区域内鸟类多样性组成及生态保护现状,为该区生物多样性保护提供依据。【方法】采用样点样线法对常州市金坛生态红线区春、夏、秋季鸟类多样性进行调查,统计不同生境和季节下鸟类种群数量特征, 并通过计算Margalef丰富度指数、Shannon-Wiener多样性指数、Simpson指数和Pielou均匀度指数以及群落相似系数分析鸟类在生境和季节上的分布差异。【结果】常州市金坛生态红线区观测到鸟类共13目38科89种,其中雀形目最多(占比50.56%);发现国家二级保护动物4种,江苏省级保护动物36种。鸟类居留型以留鸟为主(占比37.08%),旅鸟最少(占比6.74%)。各生境物种丰富度指数存在显著差异,从高到低依次为湖泊湿地、农田、林地和城市绿地;香农多样性指数和辛普森指数从高到低依次为农田、湖泊湿地、城市绿地和林地;均匀度指数从高到低依次为城市绿地、农田、湖泊湿地和林地,但差异不显著。春、夏、秋季中,夏季鸟类物种和个体数最为丰富,但春季物种丰富度指数较高,其他多样性指数各季节差异不显著。群落相似性方面,林地和农田相似性最高,湖泊湿地与农田差异最大;夏季与秋季的鸟类相似性指数最高。【结论】生境类型是该地区鸟类群落结构变化的主要影响因素,在不同生境的分布和选择反映了鸟类对环境各要素的需求。相对于人为干扰较大的城市绿地和林分结构较为简单的林地,资源丰富的湖泊湿地和空间异质性较明显的农田具有更高的鸟类物种多样性。
关键词: 鸟类多样性, 群落结构, 生境类型, 生态红线区
【Objective】This study analyzed bird diversity and ecological protection status in Jintan ecological redline areas of Changzhou City in order to provide a basis for biodiversity conservation. 【Method】Sampling plots and lines were used to study bird diversity from 2018 (autumn) to 2019 (spring and summer), count quantitative characteristics of bird populations in different habitats and seasons, and analyze distribution differences among habitats and seasons by calculating the Margalef index, Shannon-Wiener diversity index, Simpson index, Pielou's evenness index and coefficient of similarity. 【Result】A total of 89 species of bird belonging to 13 orders and 38 families were identified, among which Passeriformes had the largest share of species (50.56%). We identified four species of national second-class protected animals and 36 species of Jiangsu provincial protected animals. Resident birds were the main bird type (37.08%), while passing migrant birds were the least common (6.74%). There were significant differences in various indices among the different habitats, including the Margalef index (high to low: lakes wetland, farmland, forest and urban greenspace), and Shannon-winner index and Simpson index (high to low: farmland, lakes wetland, urban greenspace and forest). Differences in the Pielou's evenness index (high to low: urban greenspace, farmland, lakes wetland and forest) were not significant. Bird species and numbers were most abundant in summer, but the highest Margalef index was in spring; other diversity indices did not have significant differences among seasons. The similarity between farmland and forest was the highest, and the difference between farmland and lakes wetland was the largest; the similarity index of birds in summer and autumn was the highest. 【Conclusion】Habitat type is the main factor affecting changes to bird community structure in Jintan ecological redline areas of Changzhou. The distribution and selection in different habitats reflects the needs of birds for various environmental factors. Compared with urban greenspace (with human disturbance) and forest (with a simple stand structure), lakes wetland and farmland offer richer resources and higher spatial heterogeneity to support greater diversity.
Key words: bird diversity, community structure, habitat type, ecological redline area
面向鸟类多样性保护的生态空间划定与优化研究 ——以武汉都市圈为例 第八届青年地学论坛
网址: 常州市金坛生态红线区鸟类多样性研究 https://m.mcbbbk.com/newsview634592.html
上一篇: 【中国科学报】《城市绿地鸟类多样 |
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