在成立不到四年的时间里,宠物同谋已经成为中国最有创造力的乐队,他们成功的把电子音乐和摇滚乐混合起来,用震撼的视觉效果呈现出来,让他们很轻易的就踏上了国际的舞台及登上了众多时尚杂志,连续两年被cityweekend评选为年度最佳乐队。华丽的视觉,爱恨情仇的纠结场面,造就了最有看点的现场表演。在过去半年里宠物同谋几乎推掉了所有的演出,在自己的录音棚了diy了首张正式专辑,专辑里从四年里创作的三十首作品中精选出十一首曲目,同时还会发行一张乐队巡演的纪录片,2011年6月4号宠物同谋将会在北京星光现场举办这场极具震撼效果的专辑首发,星光现场演出宠物同谋特别邀请We Are not invited作为嘉宾。
The Pets are back and they’ll kick your ass!
Come to celebrate the end of the human race for the release of the long-awaited first full-length Pet Conspiracy Album at Yugong Yishan on June 4th, 2011.
Join the Pets and their friends for an alchemical synthesis of sounds, lights and creepy puppets, This is not just music, not just performance. This is not creation...it’s just destruction!
The catastrophe is final.
Don’t be afraid.
The Pets are back!
Don't miss the end of the world. All the animals are waiting...
We are please to have We are not invited as our guest band.
宠物同谋的小站 (豆瓣音乐人)
宠物同谋新曲《Back off》将上线 融合多种元素
2010西湖音乐节(秋)—花朵超级电子舞台 宠物同谋
影&响VOL.4将办宠物同谋专场 再造跨界艺术现场
How To Travel With A Leopard Gecko: Everything You Need To Know
宠物同谋10月30日发布新单曲 开启全新听觉冒险
宠物同谋乐队电子摇滚玩出国门 九月欧洲巡演
宠物同谋亮相澳大利亚美术馆 音乐诠释波普艺术
网址: 宠物同谋新专辑首发/The Pets are back and they’ll kick your ass! Album Release! (豆瓣音乐人) https://m.mcbbbk.com/newsview777797.html
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下一篇: 宠物同谋欧洲巡演 |